Palindrome Codex
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<Palindrome Codex>是一件视听装置作品,它挑战了线性时间概念,编织了一幅身临其境的挂毯,在这里,人们既可以正向体验时间的流动,也可以反向体验时间的流动。这件作品从萨托方碑神秘的几何图形中汲取灵感,创造出令人着迷的视听景观。它利用创新的人工智能技术,制作出闪烁、错乱的视觉效果,并与复古未来主义元素和精心创作的配乐交织在一起,与装置的永恒主题产生共鸣。
<Palindrome Codex> is an audio-visual installation that challenges the notion of linear time, weaving an immersive tapestry where one can experience the flow of time both forwards and backwards. The work draws inspiration from the enigmatic geometry of the Sartor Square monument to create a mesmerising audio-visual landscape. It utilises innovative artificial intelligence techniques to produce shimmering, dislocated visuals, interwoven with retro-futuristic elements and an elaborate soundtrack that resonates with the timeless themes of the installation.
除了艺术表现形式之外,<Palindrome Codex> 还是对时间和存在的深刻探索。通过将古老的象征意义与尖端技术相融合,它提供了一种反思和超越的体验,在这种体验中,开始与结束融为一体,成为一个永恒的连续体。作为新媒体艺术无限创造力和智慧深度的证明,这件装置作品给人留下了难忘的印象,吸引观众去思考时间和永恒的奥秘。
Beyond artistic expression, <Palindrome Codex> is a profound exploration of time and existence. By fusing ancient symbolism with cutting-edge technology, it offers a reflective and transcendent experience in which beginnings and endings merge into a timeless continuum. As a testament to the infinite creativity and intellectual depth of new media art, this installation leaves an unforgettable impression and draws the viewer into contemplating the mysteries of time and eternity.
Pixel Echo 2023 无常迅速
- 重启回响 -
2023,面对一个未知与快速变化的世界,Pixel Echo艺术现场集结了来自不同领域最为活跃表演者、声音艺术家和数字艺术家,从实验性的创作方法到最新的技术手段,从人类的情感体验到人工智能的创造力,以多维度表达回应了一个不可预测的时代,带着对命运共同体的重新认知与个体的自我觉察,在无常迅速中,开启了新的旅程。
2023, in the face of an unknown and fast-changing world, Pixel Echo Art Scene gathers the most active performers, sound artists and digital artists from different fields, from experimental creative methods to the latest technological means, from human emotional experience to the creativity of artificial intelligence, responding to an unpredictable era with multidimensional expression, with a renewed awareness of the community of destiny and the self-awareness of the individual, and in the midst of the rapidity of impermanence, opening up a new journey.
Pixel Echo 是由洪启乐与毛嗡嗡发起的以声音 / 视觉 / 艺术 / 科技相融合的现场系列活动项目。从2014年开始,在多地与艺术机构与空间合作,进行了大小数十场表演现场,积累了一系列跨媒介艺术现场经验,并培养了一大批爱好混合艺术体验的观众,逐渐探索出了一条跨媒介与跨学科的艺术表现路径,包括声音、视觉、肢体(行为、舞蹈)、叙事性场域、空间与艺术装置。Pixel Echo 将焦点投注于未来,关注艺术、技术和社会领域交汇地带,呈现前沿与创造性的艺术与现场形式。
Pixel Echo is a series of live events initiated by Hong Qile and Mao Buzz, which is a fusion of sound/visual/art/technology. Since 2014, they have collaborated with art organisations and spaces in many places, and conducted dozens of live performances, accumulating a series of cross-media live art experiences and cultivating a large group of audiences who love hybrid art experiences, gradually exploring a cross-media and cross-disciplinary path of artistic expression, including sound, vision, physicality (performance, dance), narrative field, space and art installations. Pixel Echo focuses on the future, on the intersection of art, technology and society, presenting cutting-edge and creative forms of art and live performance.

Pixel Echo 同时还包括一系列论坛、工作坊和艺术家讲座,为参与者提供了解数字艺术和不同艺术创作手段的机会。无论是音乐爱好者、艺术爱好者还是科技探索者,Pixel Echo都将为大众提供具有无限可能性的平台。
Pixel Echo also includes a series of forums, workshops and artist talks, offering participants the opportunity to learn about digital art and different means of artistic creation. Whether you're a music lover, art enthusiast, or tech explorer, Pixel Echo will provide a platform for unlimited possibilities.